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We soar a fleet of 24 plus laboratories, these fully equipped state-of-the-art laboratories include :

  • 9 labs at Department of Telecommunication Engineering
  • 9 labs at Department of Electrical Engineering
  • 6 labs at Department of Computer Software Engineering
  • 4 labs at the Department of Computer Science
  • 6 labs at the Department of Civil Engineering
  • 6 labs at the Department of Mechanical Engineering

These labs include Radar Labs, Solaris Labs, Advance Electronics Labs,ProgrammingLab, Data Science Lab, System and Design Lab, Final Year Project Labs, Postgraduate Lab, EmbeddedSystems Lab, Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Analysis Labs, Advance Machinery Lab,Computer Labs, Communication Labs, Control Systems Labs, Advance Telephony and Various types ofexperimentation test beds as well as workshops