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The university encourages healthy competition among its students. Therefore, in order to recognize merit and encourage academic competition among students, various cash awards are granted to best performing position holder students in each semester in their respective disciplines. Details are as under:

First position holder:            Rs. 5000/
Second position holder:        Rs. 3000/
Third position holder:            Rs. 1000/

The following rules shall apply to the award of cash prizes:

  1. The student must be a position holder, i.e. has secured either first, second or third position in the semester.
  2. He/she must be a regular student of UET Mardan.
  3. He/she must have passed all subjects of the respective semester in first attempt.
  4. He/she must have secured at least 3.00 SGPA in the relevant semester. In case of a tie between two students, the marks obtained by them in the existing examination, for which the merit position is determined, shall be the deciding factor.